Hierbij een overzicht van alle Ki No Kenkyukai taigi’s, met de technische criteria per taigi. Bron: http://ki-aikido.net/TAIGI/TaigiCriteriaList.html.
Kitei Taigi – 110 seconds
- Shomenuchi Kokyunage
- When ki moves, enter straight behind uke
- Raise both arms
- Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
- Yokomenuchi Shihonage
- Step back in the direction of uke’s ki
- Enter passing closely in front of uke
- Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
- Munetsuki Koteoroshi (Katameru)
- Lead ki without blocking it
- Bring arm straight down, lead straight up and down
- Place free hand over elbow, roll uke over and pin
- Katatedori Tenkan Ikkyo
- Extend ki from fingertips (curl fingers, not wrist)
- Take ikkyo at the lowest point in the arc
- Bring arm straight up and down, pin (place free hand lightly over elbow, other hand leads uke)
- Katadori Nikyo (Irimi)
- Brush uke’s hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
- Using an up and down rhythm, lead uke’s hand to shoulder, while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
- Leap behind uke leading tenkan and pin
- Ushiro-tekubidori Sankyo (Katameru)
- Brush uke’s hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
- Take sankyo when the hands reach the top
- Bring uke’s fingertips down, placing free hand on elbow, lead in the direction of ki and pin
Taigi #1 – Katatetori – 65 seconds
- Kokyunage (“Onshi no gyoi” = “Holding the Emperor’s Clothes”)
- Extend ki from fingertips
- Bring arm down straight from the elbow
- Bring arms up straight
- Drop arms down straight and seishi (pause calmly) in sayuwaza from
- Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
- Change direction of ki at the moment uke’s ki comes (up and down motion)
- Face in the direction of the lead
- After kirikaeshi, drop straight down to throw
- Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Take a large hop forward (draw back foot to the front foot)
- Nage must face the direction of the throw
- Kokyunage (Kaitenage)
- Change direction of ki at the moment uke’s ki comes (up and down motion)
- Place the free hand on uke’s head as it goes down
- Do not step through
- Shihonage
- Extend ki from fingertips
- Take uke’s hand without stopping his ki
- Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
- Ikkyo
- Extend ki from fingertips
- Take ikkyo at the lowest point in the arc
- Lead arm straight up and down (lead from the hand holding the wrist, hand on the elbow holds lightly)
Taigi #2 – Katatetori Ryotemochi – 71 seconds
- Kokyunage (Tobikomi – leaping forward)
- Extend ki from fingertips
- Raise both arms
- Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
- Kokyunage (En undo)
- Extend ki from fingertips
- Point fingertips in the direction of the lead
- Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
- Kokyunage (Hachinoji – figure eight)
- After doing tenkan, seishi
- Leap in behind opponent completely, raise both arms
- Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
- Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Extend ki from fingertips
- Bring arm straight up at the moment ki comes
- Drop arm straight down to throw
- Nikyo
- Extend ki from fingertips
- Bring fingertips up completely and bring them straight down
- Leap behind uke, drop arms straight down, and pin
- Koteoroshi
- Extend ki from fingertips
- Take hand at the lowest point in the arc
- When pinning, one hand must seishi (pause calmly)
Taigi #3 – Yokomenuchi – 49 seconds
- Kokyunage (Sudori)
- Enter with shoulders parallel to uke’s chest
- Kokyunage (Bow)
- Bow straight down
- Koyunage Irimi
- Enter straight forward and lead from shoulder
- Shihonage
- Step back in the direction of uke’s ki
- Enter passing closely in front of uke
- Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
- Kokyunage (Sudorinage)
- Step back in the direction of ki
- Strike uke’s chin with one hand
- Throw in the direction of ki
- Kokyunage (Hachinoji – figure eight)
- Step back in the direction of ki, both arms open and comfortably stretched
- Leap straight behind uke with both arms up
- Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Taigi #4 – Ryokatatori – 60 seconds
- Kokyunage (bow)
- When uke’s kii comes, bow without moving feet
- Bring head down completely
- Bring head up completely
- Kokyunage (kirikaeshi – bow)
- Move from one point
- Bring head down completely
- Bring head up completely
- Kokyunage (bow twice)
- Both arms naturally open when you are stepping back while extending ki forward
- Bow twice straight (Bring head completely down and up with a “1-2” rhythm)
- Bring head up completely
- Sudori
- Line of visionn must be straight forward
- Catch the moment of uke’s ki movement, jump in towards uke’s feet with the intention to scoop (opposite side of uke’s front foot)
- Look towards uke while standing up at the end of throw
- Nikyo
- Bruch uke’s hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
- Using up and down rhythm, lead uke’s hand to shoulder while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
- Leap behind uke, lead with tenkan and pin
- Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Step back straight
- Drop one of uke’s arms with tegatana (edge of hand)
- Nage must face the direction of the throw
Taigi #5 – “Children’s Arts” – 77 seconds
- Shomenuchi Kokyunage
- When ki moves, enter straight behind opponent
- Raise both arms
- Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
- Yokomenuchi Shihonage
- Step back in the direction of uke’s ki
- Enter passing closely in front of uke
- Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
- Munetsuki Koteoroshi (Katameru)
- Lead uke’s ki without blocking it
- Bring arms straight down, leading straight up and down
- Place free had over elbow, roll uke over and pin
- Katatori Ikkyo (Irimi)
- Brush uke’s hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
- Lead straight up and down before stepping in
- Pin must be done with both knees down, standing on toes
- Koyu Dosa
- Body enters straight in and elbow drops down
- Pin uke with ki, standing on toes
Taigi #6 – Ushirotekubidori – 71 seconds
- Ushirodori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Both arms up the moment uke makes contact
- Look in the direction ki leads after throwing
- Ushirotekubidori Kokyunage (Uragaeshi – inside out)
- Use vertical rhythm
- Raised hand pauses calmly
- Bring both arms back after throwing
- Ushirotekubidori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Use vertical rhythm
- Reverse both hands when arms reach the top
- Go down from one point bowing head while throwing
- Ushirotekubidori Koteoroshi (Hantai tenkan)
- Hantai tenkan – reverse tenkan the moment uke’s ki comes
- Fully extend arm when turning
- Execute koteoroshi immediately
- Ushirotekubidori Ikkyo
- Use vertical rhythm
- Place free hand lightly over the elbow
- Pin must be done with both hands down and sitting on toes
- Ushirotekubidori Sankyonage
- Use vertical rhythm
- Take sankyo when the hands reach to top
- Bring fingertips of hand down, swing fully upwards
- Throw forward, keeping sankyo hold
Taigi #7 – Munetsuki Keri – 66 seconds
- Kokyunage (Michibikigaeshi – lead back and return)
- When ki moves, fingertips point at uke’s fist
- Turn palm down and point back, cut uke¹s neck with two fingers without touching
- Look straight forward with seishi after cut
- Ikkyo (Hantai tenkan)
- Step back with hantai tenkan, hold uke’s thrusting hand down with tegatana
- Hold uke’s fist lightly and bring it back in the direction of uke’s face, drop straight down, then step in forward
- Look straight forward with seishi after cut
- Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Skip back
- Use up and down motion to execute throw
- Face the direction of the throw and seishi
- Kokyunage (Irimi) Keri – front kick
- Chop at uke’s front kick with tegatana (tegatana must be parallel with mat)
- Strike uke’s face with back of hand
- Moment of strike, draw the hand back to chest
- Kokyunage (Ashidori) Keri – low roundhouse kick
- Maintain hanmi, bend wrist to keep little finger outside
- Catch uke’s foot without changing the position of the hand
- Use one hand to throw
- Koteoroshi (Nageppanashi – throw away)
- Lead uke’s thrusting ki without blocking
- Face the direction of the throw
- Open the body by taking two sliding steps to make a large throw
Taigi #8 – Ryotedori – 50 seconds
- Kokyunage (Tenchinage Irimi)
- Bring elbow straight down with leading hand (step in to side of uke’s front leg)
- Bring leading hand straight up, other hand points down
- Drop down straight from fingertips to throw
- Kokyunage (Tenchinage Tenkan)
- Bring elbow straight down with leading hand after tenkan (take one step back)
- Bring leading hand straight up, other hand points down
- Drop down straight from fingertips to throw
- Kokyunage (Hakucho no Mizuumi – “Swan Lake”)
- Bring uke up
- Drop arm like udemawashi
- When arms drop, go down from one point with head bent down
- Touch mat with back of hands
- Kokyunage (Dojyo Sukui)
- Use hands with koteoroshi form
- Move elbow up and down, seishi with sayuwaza form to throw
- Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- The moment uke comes to catch, lead uke up
- Take uke’s hand with yonkyo
- Must face the direction of throw
- Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
- Change direction of ki at the moment uke comes to catch
- Face the direction of the lead
- After kirikaeshi, drop straight down to throw
Taigi #9 – Shomenuchi – 67 seconds
- Ikkyo (Irimi)
- Bring uke’s tegatana in
- Slide straight up, then straight down
- Step in after arms are down
- Pin must be done with both knees down and sitting on toes
- Ikkyo (Tenkan)
- Step straight behind uke when ki moves
- Bring arms straight down and pin (lead from hand holding wrist, hand on elbow holds lightly)
- Kokyunage Irimi
- When ki moves, enter straight behind uke
- Raise both arms
- Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
- Koteoroshi
- Do not block opponent’s ki
- Take uke’s tegatana from top lightly
- Bring arm straight down, lead straight up and down
- Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
- Bring front leg back
- Take uke’s tegatana from above lightly
- Bring arm straight down, lead straight up and down
- Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Skipping back
- Throw with up and down motion
- Face the direction of the throw
Taigi #10 – Katadori Shomenuchi – 65 seconds
- Kokyunage Irimi
- The moment uke comes to catch shoulder, take a large step in with hamni posture
- Slide up uke’s face with tegatana
- Erect posture at the end of the throw
- Kokyunage En Undo
- Extend ki from fingertips
- Point fingertips in the direction of the lead and down
- One hand touches uke’s neck
- Keep one point while throwing
- Kokyunage (Hachinoji)
- Lead uke’s hand down with front hand and take ma-ai
- Leap in straight behind uke
- Bring arm straight down, straight up and down
- Nikyo
- Extend ki from the fingertips
- The hand taking nikyo and uke’s hand should go down together
- Pin with both knees down, standing on toes
- Sankyo (Uragaeshi)
- Keep leading hand stretched, free hand catches uke’s fingertips
- Enter fully with irimi
- Keep takin up slack in ki with sankyo to throw
- Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- The moment uke strikes, slide up to uke’s face to draw uke’s ki out
- Skip forward in the direction of ki and throw
Taigi #11 – Katatedori – 56 seconds
- Kokyunage (Irimi)
- Little finger of nage’s held wrist must point straight up
- Nage’s body must enter straight ahead (Irimi)
- The throwing arm must pause calmly (Seishi) after throw
- Kokyunage (Irimi)
- When the held arm is raised, the free arm takes hold
- Let go of uke’s hand when the arm is dropped
- Bring arms straight down, up and down
- Kosadori Kokyunage
- Do not pull ki
- Enter straight behind uke
- Raise both arms
- The throw is performed with a vertical rhythm
- Kosadori Kokyunage (Makikaeshi)
- Bend the fingers in towards uke’s wrist (towards the root of the thumb) and drop the hand straight down
- The throwing arm must pause calmly (Seishi) after throw
- Kosadori Kokyunage (Makikaeshi Nage)
- Wrist moves with a vertical rhythm (don’t stretch arm)
- The throwing arm must pause calmly (Seishi) after the throw
- The front foot takes a half-step forward
- Kosadori Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
- Redirect uke’s ki iat moment it comes (using vertical rhythm)
- Face the direction of leading
- After reversing uke’s direction, drop arm straight down
Taigi #12 – Katatedori Ryotemochi – 66 seconds
- Kokyunage (Irimi)
- Drop elbow down in order to lead uke’s ki
- Enter irimi from your fingertips
- After the throw, the hand stops as it is
- Kokyunage (Tenkan)
- Turn completely (180 degrees) to face the same direction as uke without moving the shoulder, but turn the head
- After completing one turn, the back of the held had lightly brushes the mat in order to lead uke’s ki
- Raise both arms and throw uke down with ki and stop
- Nikyo
- Raise both arms together
- Take uke’s hand at the lowest point
- Lead uke’s wrist to the shoulder using a vertical rhythm, while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
- Lead behind uke, leading tenkan and pin
- Ikkyo (Kirikaeshi)
- After completely reversing uke’s direction, drop arm straight down
- Skip forward
- Pin must be done with both knees down, standing on toes
- Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Leading hand must move in the same direction in which uke moves
- Skip forward and complete throw with body movement
- Kokyunage (Ball Nage)
- Relax completely when uke’s ki comes
- Use balde of hand to make the throw
- After the throw, hand returns to natural position (do not strike a pose)
Taigi #13 – Yokomenuchi – 61 seconds
- Kokyunage (Irimi)
- Enter immediately (on the “N” of “Now”)
- Lead opponent’s arm from the shoulder
- Erect posture at the end of the throw
- Kokyunage (Jujinage)
- Enter immediately (on the “N” of “Now”)
- Enter straight in a hanmi posture
- Bring arms straight down, and straight up and down
- Kokyunage (Atemi)
- Enter straight into uke’s chest, one hand protects face
- Fist contacts uke’s lower abdomen
- Thrust forward with a turning fist
- Shihonage (Irimi Tobikimi)
- Leap in front of uke until uke and nage change places completely
- Enter passing closely in front of uke
- Turn completely to the point where uke falls
- Koteoroshi (En undo)
- One hand protects face when nage enters
- Drop uke’s wrist down as uke’s wrist rolls in
- Lead arm straight up and down to throw
- Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
- Step back in the direction of uke’s ki and seishi
- Swing back the uke’s arm, enter close with hanmi to uke’s armpit
- Skip forward to throw
Taigi #14 – Katadori – 85 seconds
- Ikkyo (Tenkan)
- Brush uke’s hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
- Lead arm straight up and down (elbow hand holds lightly)
- Enter straight down behin uke and pin
- Nikyo (Irimi)
- Brush uke’s hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
- Using a vertical rhythm, lead uke’s hand to shoulder while raising the free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
- Leap behind uke leading tenkan and pin
- Sankyo (Tenkan)
- Brush uke’s hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
- After taking sankyo, when lowing arm, the inside hand must be placed on elbow while leading arm down from fingertips
- Pin is made standing with the hand which applied sankyo
- Yonkyo (Irimi)
- Brush uke’s hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
- The forefinger of the hand applying yonkyo must be extended straight and applied perpendicularly
- Pin by applying yonkyo in the position where uke falls
- Kokyunage (Ushiromuki)
- Turn on the spot where the shoulder is grabbed
- Both arms move down between legs
- At the end, arms come down calmly (without colliding)
- Kokyunage (Ushiromaki Kirikaette Yokomenuchi)
- Lead uke’s kii down
- When standing up, put one hand on uke’s elbow
- Throw uke with yokomenuchi movement
Taigi #15 – “Middle School Students” – 89 seconds
- Shomenuchi Ikkyo
- Bring uke’s tegatana in
- Slide straight up, then straight down, step in after arms are down
- Pin must be done with both knees down and sitting on toes
- Yokomenuchi Kokyunage (Hachinoji)
- Step back in the direction of ki, after catching uke’s hand, both arms open and comfortably stretched
- Leap straight behind uke, both arms up
- Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
- Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Skip back
- Use up and down motion to execute throw
- Face the direction of the throw and seishi
- Katatori Nikyo (Irimi)
- Brush uke’s hand down, and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
- Using up and down rhythm, lead uke’s hand to shoulder while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
- Lead behind uke leading tenkan and pin
- Ushirodori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Both arms up the moment uke makes contact
- Look in the direction ki leads after throwing
- Ushirotekubidori (Sankyonage)
- Use vertical rhythm
- Take sankyo when the hands reach the top
- Bring fingertips of hand down, swing fully upwards
- Throw forward keeping sankyo hold
Taigi #16 – Zagi – 60 seconds
- Shomenuchi Ikkyo Irimi
- Bring uke’s tegatana in
- Slide straight up and drop straight down
- Pin with shikko (knee walk)
- Shomenuchi Tenkan
- Step straight behind uke when ki moves
- Bring arms straight down and hold (lead from hand holding wrist, hand on elbow holds lightly)
- Pin with shikko
- Katatori Shomenuchi
- Enter stright, slide up and over uke’s head with tegatana
- Thrust solar plexus with free hand in a fist
- Erect posture at the end of throw
- Shomenuchi Kokyunage
- Both hands up
- Bring arms straight up until uke hits the mat
- Bring arms straight up and straight down
- Seishi when pinning
- Munetsuki Koteoroshi (Katameru)
- Lead uke’s thrusting ki without blocking
- Bring arm straight up and straight down
- Seishi when pinning
- Yokomenuchi Kokyunage
- Step in forward with one knee
- Both arms up and throw
- Erect posture when finishing throw
Taigi #17 – Zagi Handachi – 54 seconds
- Katatedori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Lead uke’s hand down to knee when uke comes to grab
- Bring arm straight up and straight down
- Erect posture at the end of the throw
- Katatedori Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
- Change the direction of ki at the moment uke’s ki comes (down and up movement)
- Face the direction of the lead
- Erect posture at the end of the throw
- Shomenuchi Kokyunage
- Both arms up
- Bring arms straight down until uke hits the mat
- Bring arms straight up and straight down
- Seishi when pinning
- Ushirokatadori Kokyunage
- Lead uke’s ki
- Bring arm straight down, straight up, and straight down
- Munetsuki Koteoroshi
- Lead uke’s thrusting ki without blocking
- Bring arm straight down, straight up, and straight down
- Seishi when pinning
- Yokomenuchi kokyunage
- Bring one knee back
- Both arms up, then throw
- Erect posture at the end of the throw
Taigi #18 – Ushiro Waza – 72 seconds
- Kokyunage (Hagaijime – holding elbows)
- Drop head and bend upper body forward
- Draw one arm free
- Jump in behind uke
- Move with vertical rhythm
- Ushiro Katadori Kokyunage (Hikoki “Airplane” Nage)
- Extend both arms out to lead
- Turn suddenly
- At the instant of turning, both arms come down together
- Ushiro Katadori Kokyunage (Suikomi)
- Extend both arms out to lead
- Throw both hands between legs
- Stand up and throw uke by raising both hands up
- Ushiro Katadori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Extend both arms out to lead
- Move down from one point, lower head with fists on mat
- Katatedori Kubishime (Uragaeshi)
- Use a vertical rhythm to throw
- Place the other hand on the elbow to lead
- After throw, stay calm
- Ushiro Katatedori Kubishime (Zenponage)
- Direct the little finger side outside under uke’s armpit
- Lead and throw with a vertical rhythm
Taigi #19 – Munetsuki – 52 seconds
- Kokyunage (Uchiwanage)
- Lead ki from uke’s shoulder
- Cut uke’s neck without touching
- After throw, seishi looking straight forward
- Kokyunage (Zenponage kubiuchi)
- The moment uke strikes, enter irimi to other side
- Strike back of neck with ki using blade of the hand, and face the direction of uke
- Draw back your hand
- Kokyunage (Uchiwanage menuchi)
- Lead ki from uke’s shoulder
- Hit uke’s face with knuckle
- The moment of hit, draw back hand to chest
- Kokyunage (Irimi sudori)
- Keep ki (face) forward until uke strikes
- Sense and enter at moment uke’s ki moves
- Stand up after throw looking at uke
- Kokyunage (Shomenuchi)
- Lead uke’s ki upward by raising fingertips straight up
- The body itself does not move, hit uke’s face
- Draw back hand above head
- Kokyunage (Hantai tenkan)
- Do not hold uke’s hand but touch lightly with tagatana while doing hantai tenkan
- Lead uke’s hand, jump behind uke
- Throw by leading straight down
Taigi #20 – Niningake, Sanningake, Randori – 52 seconds
- Kokyunage Zenponage (Once)
- Lead in from elbows in direction of uke’s grip
- Move forward from one point (don¹t think hands)
- After throw, seishi
- Kokyunage Senaka-awase (Once)
- Lead in from elbows in direction of uke’s grip
- Make en undo movement with elbows fully bent
- Make ukes line up and throw them
- Kokyunage (Seiretsu)
- Enter from the hips
- Take a big step back to the same direction
- Make ukes line up and throw them
- Shihonage
- Extend ki forward while moving back
- Lead as if holding a ball
- Swing both arms over the head
- Turn fully before dropping arms down
- Kokyunage (Seiretsu)
- Lower head as you turn
- Throw with a vertical motion, standing in the same position
- Randori
- Do not grab or be grabbed
- Keep one point
- Nage finishes with command of “Hai” andhold ukes back with ki
Taigi #21 – Tantodori – 131 seconds
- Shomenuchi (Koteoroshi)
- Take uke’s hand lightly from above, use up and down motion, execute koteoroshi
- Take tanto away at the moment of contact, complete follow-through with tanto behind body in a ready position
- Shomenuchi (Kokyunage)
- When uke’s ki moves, step straight behind uke, use up and down motion to throw
- Step around uke and complete a full turn
- Sakatemochi Yokomenuchi Irimi (Gokyo)
- Enter at the “N” of “Now,” lead from uke’s shoulder
- Without moving position of uke’s hand, enter behind; drop straight down and pin
- Sakatemochi Kokyunage
- Enter at the “N” of “Now,” lead from uke’s shoulder
- Erect posture at the end of the throw
- Yokomenuchi Shihonage
- Take tanto away with the hand closest to uke at the moment of the throw
- Munetsuki Koteoroshi
- Lead uke’s thrusting ki without blocking, using up and down motion, execute koteoroshi
- Take tanto away at the moment of contact, complete follow through with tanto behind body in a ready position
- Munetsuki Ikkyo (Irimi)
- Hantai tenkan, hold uke’s thrusting hand down, use up and down motion to throw
- After pinning uke, take tanto away and hold to the side
- Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Skip back, use up and down motion to throw
- Munetsuki Kokyunage (Hijiuchi menuchi)
- Chop uke’s thrusting ki down with tegatana
- Bring hand back to chest at the moment uke’s face is struck with the back of the hand
- Munetsuki Kokyunage (Kaitenage)
- Hold uke’s thrust with both hands
- Take tanto away, use tanto at the back of the next to keep uke’s head down, then throw
Taigi #22 – Tachitori – 106 seconds
- Shomenuchi Irimi Sudori Kokyunagee
- Enter straight and throw uke with up and down motion
- Keep bokken calm when immobilizing uke
- Shomenuchi Koteoroshi (right side only)
- Hold uke’s hand lightly and execute koteoroshi with up and down motion
- Take bokken away instantly and have a ready posture with the bokken pointed back
- Shomenuchi Irimidore (left side only)
- Cut with tegatana from uke’s face down to the space between uke’s hands on the bokken
- After the throw, keep upper body erect
- Yokomenuchi Irimi
- Enter straight in hanmi
- After the throw, keep upper body erect
- Yokomenuchi Shihonage (left side only)
- Lead bokken down avoiding cutting legs
- Take bokken away instantly and have a ready posture with the bokken pointed back
- Munetsuki Koteoroshi (right side only)
- Lead uke’s thrusting ki without stopping it and throw with koteoroshi in an up and down motion
- Take bokken away instantly and have a ready posture with the bokken pointed back
- Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Throw with vertical movement, avoid being cut by bokken
- Munetsuki Kokyunage (Irimi Sudori)
- Look straight forward
- Jump into uke’s feet the moment ki comes
- After the throw, stand up looking at uke
- Douchi Kokyunage
- Enter straight and throw with vertical rhythm
- Yokobarai Kokyunage
- Enter at the moment the bokken points at nage
Taigi #23 – Jodori – 124 seconds
- Shomenuchi Irimi Sudori Kokyunage
- Enter straight and throw uke with up and down motion
- Keep jo calm when immobilizing uke
- Shomenuchi Koteoroshi (right side only)
- Hold uke’s hand lightly and execute koteoroshi with up and down motion
- Take jo away instantly and have a ready posture with the jo pointed back
- Shomenuchi Irimidore (left side only)
- Cut with tegatana from uke’s face down to the space between uke’s hands on the bokken
- After the throw, keep upper body erect
- Yokomenuchi Shihonage (left side only)
- Lead jo down avoiding cutting legs
- Take away jo with left hand above the uke’s hands and throw
- Yokomenuchi Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Catch the jo while you step back
- Throw uke by hitting his back in the direction of his ki
- Munetsuki Kokyunage (Tsukikaeshi)
- Hold jo loosely so that the uke’s tsuki remains straight
- The moment uke’s tsuki stops, change the direction of jo upward and throw
- Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Lead jo upward without changing the direction of tsuki
- Take a step and throw
- Munetsuki Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
- Hold jo and tenkan
- Execute kirikaeshi and throw uke by pointing jo toward uke’s face
- Douchi Kokyunage
- Enter straight and throw with and up and down rhythm
- Yokobarai Kokyunage
- Enter at the moment the jo points at nage
Taigi #24 – Jonage – 68 seconds
- Kokyunage
- Throw uke with vertical movement without disturbing uke’s ki
- Seishi at the end of throw
- Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Lead jo upward without disturbing uke’s ki
- Throw and seishi
- Sakatemochi Kokyunage (Zenponage)
- Lead jo upward without disturbing uke’s ki
- Throw and seishi
- Shihonage
- Point jo straight up
- The moment jo points up, pass through and throw straight down, seishi
- Nikyo
- Push jo forward the moment uke tries to hold it
- Move the end of jo straight down toward uke’s face and seishi
- Koteoroshi
- Turn jo in a small circle inside uke’s hand
- Throw uke straight down and seishi
- Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
- Lead uke forward
- The movement uke passes, execute kirikaeshi and point jo up
- Throw uke forward with a step and seishi
- Kokyunage (Ashisukui)
- Lead uke’s ki straight forward
- Move the end of jo in a big circle to the back of uke’s knees
- Throw by swinging jo upward and seishi
Combined time for 25 & 26 is 44 seconds.
Taigi #25 – Kengi Dai Ichi – 27 seconds
- Hold bokken horizontally with left hand, blade underside
- Sit seiza, put bokken down and bow without putting left hand on knee
- Hold bokken with seigan no kamae by moving left foot back
- Left hand must hold the end of bokken
- Count in Japanese in harmony with bokken movements
- Tip of bokken should stay calm
- Counts 1, 3, 5 & 7 should be done by swinging up from the tip of bokken and by swinging down from one point
- Counts 2, 4, 6 & 8 should be done by thrusting with whole body without bending upper body
- Bokken should be horizontal with tsuki
- Counts 9 and 12 should be done by swinging down from above head and by using the weight of bokken
- Turn one and half times
- The arm and bokken should be horizontal when turning
- After turning, swing up bokken and stay calm with left foot forward
- Swing down bokken calmly while stepping back into seigan no kamae
- Nage must finish exactly where they started
- Hold bokken horizontally with left hand keeping the blade underside
- Sit seiza, put bokken down at left side and bow without putting left hand on knee
- Stand up, turn to the right and walk out
Taigi #26 – Kengi Daini – 29 seconds
- Hold bokken horizontally with left hand, blade underside
- Sit seiza, put bokken down and bow without putting left hand on knee
- Hold bokken with seigan no kamae by moving left foot back
- Left hand must hold the end of bokken
- Count in Japanese in harmony with bokken movements
- Tip of bokken should stay calm
- First movement steps with right foot forward and cuts to the left
- Counts 5 & 7 should be done swinging bokken down with one point
- Counts 6 & 8 should be done with tsuki with the whole body without bending the upper body
- The bokken should stay horizontal in tsuki
- Counts 9 & 10 should be big and rhythmical
- Turn with arm and bokken horizontal
- After turning, stop with bokken up
- Swing down bokken calmly while stepping back into seigan no kamae
- Nage must finish exactly where they started
- Hold bokken horizontally with left hand keeping the blade underside
- Sit seiza, put bokken down at left side and bow without putting left hand on knee
- Stand up, turn to the right and walk out
Combined time for 27 & 28 is 66 seconds.
Taigi #27 – Jogi Dai Ichi – 38 seconds
- Hold jo in left armpit and keep it calm
- Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
- Take sankaku no kamae (triangle kamae) by moving right foot back
- Hold jo lightly
- One hand should always hold one end of the jo
- One hand should hold jo when changing holds
- Count in Japanese according to jo movement
- Move big, relaxed and with rhythm
- After tsuki, keep upper body erect; there should be no space between right arm and armpit
- After tsuki, draw right foot to the left foot
- After tsuki, pull up the jo and above head and step back to the right
- At count 9, pull right foot to the front left
- On counts 13 & 17, strike tsuki back after hitting down
- In the end, at 1 again, finish with seishi
- Nage must finish exactly where they started
- Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
- Keep jo in left armpit calmly
- Stand up, turn to the right and walk out
Taigi #28 – Jogi Daini – 40 seconds
- Hold jo in left armpit and keep it calm
- Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
- Take sankaku no kamae (triangle kamae) by moving right foot back
- Hold jo lightly
- One hand should always hold one end of the jo
- One hand should hold jo when changing holds
- Count in Japanese according to jo movement
- Move big, relaxed and with rhythm
- After tsuki, keep upper body erect; there should be no space between right arm and armpit
- From count 12 to 14, look in the direction of tsuki; jo should be horizontal
- At count 16, keep arm and jo horizontal
- After turning, swing jo above head
- On count 17, sweep up jo from lower right to upper left
- In the end, at 1 again, finish with seishi
- Nage must finish exactly where they started
- Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
- Keep jo in left armpit calmly
- Stand up, turn to the right and walk out